Ibac Advisory & Consulting

by OficinaWeb



Ibac app offers its customers the latest technology to meet their Accounting and Tax instantly online.Knows the most important metrics of your business instantly and invoice your clients from the comfort of your phone.What is Ibac App?Web Office is an accounting platform designed for accounting firms, enabling them to offer better services and keep your customers updated automatically with the exact information about your financial and tax situation.How to access Ibac App?Download your application to mobile and looking at accounting firm that takes your accounting management, fiscal and financial, enter your username and password and you will access easily to your online accounting way.How Ibac App Benefits Your Business?The platform will inform you immediately, every event that takes place in your business, whether you receive a bill for expenses or purchases from your suppliers or that a sale is issued to your customers online can enjoy the information for the decision-making in your business is correct.What additional advantages Ibac App?Informs you every day of your federal business taxes before closing the month or year, allowing you to properly plan your tax burden, always advised by your accounting firm.Find more about us at http://ibac.mx